Silhouette InstaLift®

Experience non-surgical, immediate, and lasting lift with InstaLift®.


Silhouette InstaLift® is the only non-surgical rejuvenating procedure that uses advanced Micro-Suspension Technology™ to offer immediate and lasting results.

As we age, many of us begin to notice the skin begin to sag in our mid-face area. Cheeks appear flatter and heavier than they used to, and the jawline may lose definition and contour. Silhouette InstaLift™, a non-surgical thread-based lifting procedure, may be an effective solution for men and women just beginning to see these visible signs of aging.

Silhouette InstaLift® uses dissolvable threads placed deep in the skin in areas with pronounced sagging. These sutures subtly lift the skin into a more youthful position. The treatment is performed in-office by Rebecca Suess, RN, BSN, CANS, CPSN, ISPAN-F.



Experience immediate and gradual results that restore lift and volume to the skin by activating your body’s own collagen and elastin production.

A consultation with Rebecca Suess, RN, BSN, CANS, CPSN, ISPAN-F is required before scheduling InstaLift® to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. In some cases, another treatment, like JUVÉDERM® dermal fillers or Sofwave®, may be recommended as alternatives or in combination with InstaLift® to achieve the best results.

Silhouette InstaLift® uses Micro Suspension Technology™ to lift and rejuvenate the skin. This technology is comprised of dissolvable threads and micro cones made from poly-L-lactic Acid (PLLA), a well-known biomedical copolymer that is biocompatible with skin and biodegradable. When placed deep within the skin of the mid-face, these threads and cones stimulate your skin to produce more collagen and elastin, resulting in firmer, more lifted skin.

Your provider will first inject a local anesthetic to prevent discomfort during your treatment. She will then insert the threads into the mid-face and lift the skin to a more youthful position on the face. The bi-directional micro cones along the threads keep the skin in an elevated position. The number of threads needed will depend on the degree of sagging and laxity in your skin. In some cases, your provider may refer you to a facial plastic surgeon, like Dr. Christopher Tolan, if they believe surgical intervention is more appropriate and a better investment.


InstaLift® takes under an hour to perform. You may experience inflammation, swelling, minor pain, and bruising following your treatment. Most of these symptoms will subside within a few days, but scheduling your procedure around any special events or occasions you want to look your best for is essential. You can return to most normal activities the day following your InstaLift® procedure.

Although you will see some immediate improvements to the lift of your skin following your treatment, expect results to continue to improve over time. This is because your collagen and elastin fibers will begin to increase production and regenerate volume in your skin for up to three months after your appointment. With each passing month, you’ll see a fresher, more youthful-looking face emerge with results that last up to two years! Increase the longevity of your InstaLift® results with the daily use of SkinMedica’s TNS® Advanced+ Serum to boost collagen production and Neck Correct Cream to firm the skin on your jawline and décolleté.

Ready to Refine Your Image?


The cost of Silhouette InstaLift® is determined by your aesthetic goals.

Pricing: $2,800.00


Many of our clients prefer the option of low monthly payments to the initial up-front cost of InstaLift®. We have partnered with two trusted and reputable financing providers to make this possible. Check them out below!